Tips for working in the office during Covid-19


While most have the luxury of teleworking, I like many others in positions deemed essential or industries where teleworking isn’t even an option, have been back in the office for quiet some time now.

It has taken some time to adjust to things like wearing a mask all day, sanitizing everything, constantly being mindful of things like what surfaces I touch, and not touching my face.

Now I don’t think I will ever get completely used to all the new and ever changing safety protocols, but here are a few tips that have helped me adjust to this new normal.

Gurl, get you some cute masks

At this point I have over 30 reusable masks, because I like to coordinate my mask with my outfit! Two of my favorite printed masks are from OneImaginaryGirl. I have also found very inexpensive packs of 5-6 primary colored masks at stores like Target, Ross or Marshalls.

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But, your mask shouldn’t just be fashion forward; you can also take extra precautions to increase the benefits of wearing one. Most reusable masks are designed for additional filter inserts like these. If the mask doesn’t allow for this then you can always wear a disposable surgical mask underneath. For me wearing a mask helps me feel like I am doing my part to protect others around me, while still looking very cute of course!

Please note reusable masks require regular washing like any other article of clothing. A dirty mask is not cute or safe. I like to hand wash my masks using Dr. Bronner’s lavender pure-castile soap.

Keep Hand Sanitizer and Moisturizer

Let me start by saying hand sanitizer is by NO means a replacement to WASHING YOUR HANDS, but being in the office it is a necessity. I have a bottle in my purse, at my desk, and in my car. In tandem with this constant washing and sanitizing it is VERY important to moisturize your hands after so I also keep some type of cream or butter for my hands wherever I keep my sanitizing stash. Two of my favorite on-the-go products for my hands are London Grant’s Body Polish and Souffle minis because they can be stashed anywhere!

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Please, take a break!

In most work places employees are allotted at minimum a 30 min lunch break. I am lucky enough to be allowed 30 minutes for lunch along with a 15 minute break in the morning and in the afternoon. Pre-Covid I would never take my 15 minute breaks and most days I ate lunch at my desk. NOW, I take it ALL. For me, taking breaks have been essential. Even if it’s just walking to the car to get some air and take my mask of for a bit, it’s an opportunity to get some fresh air and much needed personal space.